The Company
What would become Winter’s Computing began in 1998, with Allan taking an interest in how to build and fix computers. In 2001 he began working for his first client providing support to a small network of 8 computers.
In 2002 the business was formed and started to pick up more clients and has continued to grow and evolve.
We now provide a wide variety of services, including Web Design & Development, Application Development, IT Consultancy and we still honour our roots by offering IT support to individuals and businesses.
We are based in Dundee and IT Support service operates within Tayside, Fife and Angus. Depending on the circumstances we do undertake work outside these areas.
For Web Design/Development/Consultancy work we work with clients from all over the world.
We are a small local business – consisting mostly of Allan supported by lifelong friend & contractor Jane, along with other contractors as projects require them. Until his untimely death in 2019 they were also supported by Andrei Paul.
About Allan

Professional Qualifications & Memberships:
BSc (Hons) Applied Computing, University of Dundee (2010)
MSc Ethical Hacking & Computer Security, University of Abertay Dundee (2012)
Honours Project: Allan Winter (Supv. Dr. Keith Edwards) University of Dundee 2010
Masters Thesis: Allan Winter (Supv. Dr Natalie Coull) University of Abertay 2012
Archery (Archery GB Level 2 Archery Coach) & Chair of Perth Archery Club
Reading – Crime Fiction mostly
Being owned by his Bernese Mountain Dogs – Cato & Hobbes
About Jane
Jane is our User Experience Engineer, acting on a consultancy basis for projects which require her expertise.
She has experience with creating websites with accessibility in mind and designing websites and mobile apps. Through her experience in user experience design, she is skilled in creating websites and applications which match the client’s requirements.
She obtained her BSc (Hons) Applied Computing from the University of Dundee in 2012 followed by her MSc (Distinction) User Experience Engineering, in 2013.
About Cato & Hobbes
Cato & Hobbes are Allan’s Bernese Mountain Dogs, who are our customer service representatives. Cato & Hobbes are available for most meetings and site visits and love to meet clients and new people!